
1 003_superheropolygons03 20 cubism_iron_mask_by_tuankacang-d56ylif Man-of-Steel-Cubism-Art-by-Luis-Huertas_thumb


Cubism is an early 20th century art movement that revolutionised european painting and sculptures, it also inspired many other art movements as well as music and architectural moves.

Ive only just looked into cubism in the past few months when i was researching into modernism and things modernism brought with it, I am not a big fan of the old forms of cubism, but the more modern versions are massive inspirations to me. Cubism has quickly become one of my favourite forms of art because of its pure, effective simplicity. Although Cubism paintings and sculptures are made with simple geometric shapes, but put together these shapes create works of art that seem to be low in detail but you can always tell what is in the painting. In my opinion, Cubism takes objects or things and showcases them in there most simple, basic form, which can sometimes be the best way of seeing things. Especially that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one, that one is just awesome.


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